In October of 1944, Japanese American soldiers of the 100th Infantry Battalion and 442nd Regimental Combat Team, segregated U.S. Army units, triumphantly rescued 200 of their fellow troops in France during the Second World War. These men were fighting for a country that tragically distrusted and discriminated against them. Undying Devotion: Japanese Americans and the Rescue of WWII’s Lost Battalion, a documentary produced by MattMix Media for National History Day, focuses on the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, a segregated U.S. Army unit made up of Japanese Americans. Facing tremendous persecution from their home country, these brave soldiers defied all odds and became the Army’s most decorated unit, while their friends and family were held in internment camps back home. The film explores the Rescue of the Lost Battalion, one of their finest moments in combat, and features interviews with LTC (R) Mark Nakagawa, vice president of the Japanese American Veterans Association (JAVA), COL (R) Bruce Hollywood, a member of JAVA, Mrs. Mary Murakami, an internment camp survivor, and Dr. Thomas Bruscino, a U.S. Army War College professor. Undying Devotion won first place in its division at the Carlisle High School National History Day competition, Messiah College Regional NHD Competition, and the NHD in PA State Competition, advancing all the way to the National Contest at the University of Maryland.